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Worship With Us

Prayer and worship form the basis of Grace Episcopal Church. We offer a range of services and opportunities to participate.


Children’s Service

We have two children's service. One being the Children's Chapel during our 10:30 am service. They learn the Gospel and do activities. We also have a Youth Group for kids 12-18 yrs old. They have bible studies, do community services, and fund raise to pay for outings.

Shwartz Bears & Prayer Shawl Ministry

Shwartz Bears is a ministry that was started by one of our parishioners that offer blessed teddy bears for comfort to those who are experiencing illness or loss. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry makes and shares hand loom knit shawls to offer our ill or emotionally hurting.

Teddy Bear
Prayer Group

Prayer/Worship Groups

Daughters of the King is an order of the Episcopal church in which members are called to a life of prayer and service.

Wednesday Night Book Study - Our Book Study offers the chance to read and discuss many topics openly without judgement to broaden our mind and soul. The new book they will start on January 17th  is "He Chose the Nails" by Max Lucado. Please contact the office if you are interested in joining.


For the Community

Hand-Up Food Pantry offers nonperishable food to those who need a hand up to make it through the month.
We also have an A.A meeting Monday @ 8pm & Wednesday @ noon.

Image by Tim Marshall
Image by Elaine Casap


Handwork Hooligans is a twice a month gathering to work on hand crafts, learn a new craft, and fellowship.
Cursillo Reunion Group is weekly meeting to discuss our continued commitment to following Christ.
St. Andrew's Breakfast Brotherhood a once a month gathering for fellowship and breakfast. All are welcome to join. 

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